Hello, I am Theawesometeg219 and this is my website. Generally, this website isn't about anything, but it's cool to have one. Here, i have links on the left, and ect on the right. If you don't want the autoplaying music, silence the web page.
Thank you Danny for the website design. Even though i don't know you and probably never will, i still need to thank you, or that would be concidered stealing.
January 20th 2005
This is the new year 2005! I have made a little bit of changes to the website, as usual with the email link in the button, and the 1999 link at the right side to make room for other stuff. enjoy!
december 10th 2004
Hello guys, i thought that i should add the blog back since i don't need the KPlayer anymore. Enjoy!
Have you guys watched the spongebob movie yet? it just released about a month ago, and i think it was amazing! kinda sucks that it was the last spongebob season, but whatever.